Policymaker and Practitioner Conference Subsidies

The Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) wishes to bring more policymakers and practitioners to the annual conference to inform and benefit from the conference dialogue. Connecting researchers, policymakers, and practitioners will encourage better research and better understanding of the implications of research and will facilitate researcher-practitioner collaborations.

AEFP is pleased to offer policymaker and practitioner conference subsidies. Subsidies will help cover the costs for policymakers and practitioners wishing to attend the annual conference. AEFP will waive conference registration and membership fees for subsidy awardees. 


Eligible policymaker, practitioner, and policy-adjacent individuals include:

  • Staff in local, state or federal education agencies, including researchers embedded in education agencies, school administrators, and teachers;
  • Individuals working in the legislative branch of local, state or federal governments, including elected officials;
  • Institutional researchers in public colleges and universities; 
  • Individuals working in nonprofit organizations whose primary role is developing policy or supporting policymakers.

Priority is given to first-time attendees and individuals who are presenting. No more than two individuals per organization may receive subsidies.

Application Instructions

To apply for funds, complete this   application form   by the December 31 deadline. Awards will be announced in early-mid January. 

Please share this invitation broadly with individuals or organizations whom you think would be interested in this opportunity, especially those who haven’t previously attended a conference or otherwise engaged with AEFP.